Sunday, April 17, 2005

Good Deals on Batteries at

Do you have a digital camera that takes AA batteries? Do you any
remotes that take AAA batteries?

Get a variety and get free shipping for over $25...

I have bought these - and they are good.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Quatloos!: Brad Christensen Gallery: Elvis Anyim - Adventures with Birds

Quatloos!: Brad Christensen Gallery: Elvis Anyim - Adventures with Birds

Do you get spam email? Have you ever gotten an offer from Nigeria or other country to scam some money to/for/from you? Read this account of Brad Christensen and his corespondence w/ the guy.

Very funny. Be sure to view the pics too.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Sports News Nerd -

Sports News Nerd -

It cd only be worse if it were me. :)

"Gives it to the man... and boom goes the dynamite." He really makes it come alive.

Nose Hair Pulling Game


Make someone else's eyes water for a while.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The famous Pants Race!

The famous Pants Race!

Funny, but not profitable. Don't be greedy, when you're up - just walk away a winner.