After reading The Maker's Diet and then some articles online (in particular The
Natural Health Detective) I'm just starting to get a grasp on the fundamentals of the plan's supplements.
There's a lot involved w/ your health including exercise, diet, lifestyle, etc. The diet is basically a couple things: eating organic, clean foods and some supplements. The diet itself is, to me, basically a good, organic diet.
The big mystery seems to be the supplements - what are they?
Natural Health Detective breaks it down really well. Here's what I did...
Not being well versed in the topics she talks about, I went to my local health food store to talk to the best supplement source I know: Pablo. He knows it all. I went thru w/ him what I learned and he recommended a few things.
From my understanding, the Garden of Life's Primal Defense is 3 things: detox, EM/probiotic and fermented grasses. These can be humate (or fulvic acid) for detox, EM Concentrate for EM/probiotic and Grainfields fermented grasses.
I haven't seen an online source for humate/fulvic acid. My best guess is that the Grainfields Wholegrain Liquid is the fermented grasses.
My 'consultant' at the store wasn't convinced humate/fulvic acid is a proven source though I'm sure others are. So concentrating on the other areas, I got a few things...
For my probiotic, I got DAILY DOPHILUS™ AM/PM Complete Probiotic System. Instead of fermented grasses, I got some 'super greens': Just Barley · Cereal Grasses and Hawaiian Spirulina · Nutrient Dense.
There are a lot of options out there and it's pretty overwhelming trying to navigate it all. As in many cases, I feel like unless you start buying books to study it all yourself or read a TON of web pages, there really isn't too much to break it down to the basics.
My understanding, in a nutshell, is...
The EM/probiotic is helpful bacteria for your GI tract: it gets your system more efficient in breaking down food, processing it, etc. It's the same type of thing as eating yogurt w/ acidophilus but moreso. I choose the Daily-Dophilus b/c it seemed to have the most varieties of bacteria and b/c of their MAKTrek Bypass and ProBioFlax delivery systems.
The 'greens' are 'super foods' which are just really, really good for you. I asked Pablo about JuicePlus and he said that's more 'table' greens and fruits as opposed to 'super greens.' From the Pure Planet website about the barley:
Among nature’s most potent leafy green vegetables are the cereal grasses, unique plants that are so packed with a broad spectrum of nutrition that they are sometimes referred to as nature¹s multivitamin.
About the spirulina: Hawaiian Spirulina is considered one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. ...An excellent source of the rare but important fatty acid GLA, Hawaiian Spirulina is also superabundant in antioxidants.
I chose my 2 products mostly based on Pablo's information and recommendation.
I hope to observe overtime the benefits/effects of these supplments and maybe make changes to my plan. I'll try to post the updates here.