Friday, February 04, 2005

Bruce Campbell not in "Evil Dead" remake? Why bother?

Cinescape - Home - Editorial: "In an exclusive interview with CINESCAPE, director Sam Raimi revealed what's in store with the EVIL DEAD remake he'll be producing."

"We want to find a director who will make the film his or her own, with a fresh take on the material," says Raimi. "I will be as involved as the new director wants me to be, but I don't want be looking over anyone's shoulder. I want the director of the remake to have the same freedom I had when I was shooting the original."

As for whether or not Bruce Campbell will appear in the movie (he will actually produce), Raimi reveals that our favorite chainsaw wielding actor will only be involved as a producer but don't rule out a future on screen reunion.

"Rob Tapert, Bruce and I, are looking forward to working together on future projects that will have Bruce in a starring role, which is where he belongs," says Raimi.

Full Interview

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