Thursday, May 08, 2008

FilmCow :: Videos and Animations

FilmCow :: Videos and Animations

I only watched "Charlie the Unicorn" 1 and 2. The first one, I read, is by far the most watched original animation on youtube.

Funny stuff. It's not offensive, but despite the name, it's not a kids video. FYI.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Rom�n Cort�s � jpeg2css

Rom�n Cort�s � jpeg2css: "It takes a black and white jpeg and returns an html copy of the image created with text and CSS, just like homer was. Enjoy!"

MicroExplosion Media: Winning by Losing

MicroExplosion Media - Blog Archive - Video of the Week: Winning by Losing

I'm glad to see some people are getting attention for doing something good.